Theo Kennedy

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Documenting my Life

23/07/23 | My 21st Birthday

For me, photography is all about documentation. It’s about being able to look back and appreciate the work you put in to composing that single frame and the memories attached to said photo.

I want to be able to look back at some of the photos I’ve taken and be reminded of fun times and good people so I’ve made it a mission of mine to document exactly that I’m equipped with a disposable camera when out with my people or at social events.


By shooting casually with the only purpose of these photos being for personal documentation, I’ve realised that you don’t really need to put much thought into what the photo looks like and to be honest, I find that I like the photos that aren’t ‘perfect’. The photos can be funny, weird, blurry, slightly overexposed, slightly underexposed, whatever. I’m not really to fussed.

I find that there’s way more personality in the imperfect photo anyway…

My polaroid also gets used when I’m with friends but because of its size (and the fact that I don’t want it broken or lost) I don’t take it out with me as much. I’ll be honest as much as I love my Polaroid, I don’t love how much the film is for how much you get. £15 for 8 photos doesn’t sit well with me especially when other cameras like the Instax Mini sell 20 for around the same price…

Polaroid cameras are great but I do find myself leaning more to using disposables due to the fact that I can get more shots for my money, carry it around with ease and also get that soft kodak film look from all the photos I take with it.

But of course, I have to acknowledge that you may not want to fork over extra money for the sake of documentation and luckily I have thought of a fool proof solution if this is the case.

You can just use your phone…

Everyone knows how to use the camera on your phone (except parents apparently..) Just point it at the subject and tap the button on the screen. Boom. Dun.

This probably the best way to document life in general given that most people these days have smartphones with very good cameras built in. And the best part is that you don’t need to pay any extra money! It’s a win win scenario.

Finally, and most importantly, make sure to have fun with taking these photos. Let your weird side show, get the worst angles humanely possible of your friends and family and let the photo speak for itself.

In a time where everything needs to be perfect and appealing, there needs to be space for the imperfect and ridiculous…

